Monday, August 20, 2007

Hank Cowdog's Modular Terrain

So one of my many hobbies is playing Warhammer 40,000, or as us "vets" simply call it, 40k.

Anyway... my friend Trey recently posted on his blog about a gaming table he was building to play table top games on, and we were discussing different terrain ideas, and I had mentioned an idea I had about premade modular terrain pieces that could be swapped out, rotated, and manipulated to create various terrain scenarios. Not an original idea I admit, but one that I was contemplating building back when I lived in Austin.

I also mentioned that a friend of mine, known in the terrain building circles as Hank Cowdog, was in the process of building some city scape modualar terrain and that I would take some photos of them to share the next time I was over at his place.

Well as it turns out Mike C. (Hank), John B. and I met up last Friday night at Mikes's house to play a little Warhammer Quest, so it was the perfect opportunity to take some photos of his masterful work, albeit, a work in progress.

You can see here an overview of the 5 peices he is working on.

Mike is working on 5 peices right now, but I only took photos of 4, as the 5th was still in its infancy stage.Each section is 9"x18", with a 3" border around the edges, making each piece a total of 12"x24". These "borders" will evetually be transformed into city streets, complete with textured pavement and paint. Perhaps even pot holes to make them even more realistic.

Notice the blown out door on the top floor.

The pictures really don't do thse fine pieces justice, but if you want to see the rest of the photo's you can go here to see them.



Trey said...

Nice! I like the purple buildings.

Are any of those scratch-built, or is it all the Cities of Death, et al, stuff from GW? I recognize some of the pieces, and it looks like some of the other pieces have gone through some surgery.

Anonymous said...

As you can all see, Mike C is a leet terrain creator. Granted, much of the core structures you see here are in fact bits and pieces from GW and other sets, but like any great art, it is in the assembly of various components in a unified vision where the talent lies. Mike really has a knack for it, and it's a pleasure to play on his kick a$$ terrain!


Michael said...

Yeah, like John said I think in this case most of it is "store bought", but Mike really knows how to accessorize.

While the core of it is pre-made, Mike added so many elements and mods that he made it unique.

I'll get more details for you tomorrow when we get together.
